Tuesday, August 12, 2008

CT Scan and Chemo Update

Last night Christopher and I sat down and prayed a little longer and a little harder - this morning we would find out the results of Christopher's CT scan. It was about three months since his last CT scan and we were both a little nervous. The previous CT Scans had come back with "shrinkage and growth, but with an even amount of shrinkage to growth". In addition, over the past month we have watched his CEA numbers go up a little. Which normally would mean that the cancer is growing and finding a way around the chemo drugs.

However, Christopher has been a new herbal routine for the past two months-ish and everything I had read on this stuff was that his numbers would jump up when this stuff starts to kick in. So we prayed last night that this would be the reason for the jump in the numbers.

Today when Christopher went in for chemo the doctor sat down with him and said - "Well, it's stable. There is no growth what so ever, but there is no shrinkage either. And I have no reason for why your numbers went up." When Christopher called to tell me the news, I had to exclaim "Thank you Lord for you great goodness and mercy." This truly is a miracle in my eyes, but I know it's not over either. The cancer could figure out a way around the treatments; just the thought of word "stable" and "no growth" is a blessing in it's own right.

Christopher's doctor plans on taking his CEA numbers in two weeks to see were they are at. If the numbers remain the same Christopher will stay on the current chemo drugs he's on. If his numbers do happen to go up, he will switch Christopher to a new chemo drug.

Christopher and I are both elated with the new news of "stable" even if that news changes in month or so - the idea of no growth is wonderful!


Anonymous said...

God definitely does Answer prayers. The two of you are so strong and you both amaze me and Marcus in your day to day trials that you both get through. We love you guys so much and we both know that Ethan couldn't have better parents and role models in the two of you. He will grow up knowing that ANYTHING is possible and to NEVER quit, because thats just NOT what the Seibert's do. You both, including our little man, remain in our daily prayers, ANYTHING you need, you know we are here!

Devine Photography said...

I am so relieved for you as well!!! You guys are amazing examples to all of us. Thank you for writing about your experience and our prayers will continue.

Anonymous said...

Hi! I just found out about you guys!!! I am shocked!!! I will add you guys to my prayer list. I have so many dear friends battling cancer right now. It is shocking to hear about what you are going through.

I will give you some advise... Stay strong and believe. MIRACLES CAN HAPPEN- AND DO!

My Aunt was diagnosed with a rare liver cancer and was given 6 months to live......... That was FIVE YEARS AGO. The doctors can not explain it. They won't even really talk to her about it- they just smile and say "we don't know". It was there- now its not. She still goes for CT scans ever 6 months- but evey time she has a clean bill of health. She did go through treatments and in the beginning it actually spread- then over the Christmas holidays when she went in for her CT resluts... it ws just gone.

She believes it was how family & friends and even people she did not know whom joined together with her and in faith and good spirits that allows her to enjoy every minute of her life healty as can be.

So let everyone know about your battle. Even if its someone you don't even know- when you walk away- that person will say a prayer for you. That person in church will remember you and again say another prayer. And again say more prayers as things remind them of you and your struggles. They will tell their friends and family to pray for you- sometimes even the entire church will pray for you. It is truly amazing what prayer and a fighter attitude can do.

Please let me & Chris know if you need anything at all. I'm so glad to hear that you are being so strong. You will be in our thoughts & prayers.