Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Chemo: Round XVIII

Monday was another round of chemo for Christopher and this was the second time he is on his new drug. I now have more information on everything and thought I would let everyone know the whole scoop.

About a month ago we got the results from the CT scan which showed more shrinkage in the three large tumors on Christopher's liver, but also showed one tumor that was very small had grown 1/10 of a mm. In the doctor's words there was more shrinkage than growth so he wasn't worried about it; however, since there was growth he wanted to ADD a new drug to the treatments. So Christopher still gets his same drugs - he just now gets one extra for that added extra kick! (and as a side note there is no new growth in any other parts of his body - everything is still contained in his liver)

Overall the cancer has shrunk about 35% and we are so blessed and happy for that! We are both trying to get used to this new drug that he is on. On day one, Christopher feels high (or half-baked as I like to phrase it). So after chemo he comes home and sits and rests for a little bit, then when I get home I like to ask him if he has the munchies! :}

On day two. Well, lets see. The best way to describe it is.... "The Energizer Bunny on Crack"! And yes the visual you have is the way it is. He has so much energy it makes me tired just looking at him!

Day three and four - the crash, burn, back on your feet days. These are the days that drains Christopher the most, but look at it this way. By day three Christopher is ready to get disconnected from his IV (and carrying around that pack is not the easiest thing in the world), so you would be a little drained too. And by day four he gets to spend the day with Ethan and that makes everything better. Those two guys do everything together - shop, come have lunch with mummy and watch the Disney Channel over breakfast!

Christopher adapts very well to new things and this new drug is no surprise. Here it is the second time he's on it and he's figured out when he needs to do what he needs to do so his treatments go smoothly!

Keep us in your prayers and thoughts, we are both super excited about the next CT scan which will be in April to see how well this new drug is working.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Next Messy Steps

Today our little man will take the first step to being diaper free. We went out today and bought two training potties (one for our master bath and the other for our half bath). Over the next few months we will show him the potty and let him get used to this new little "thing" that is just his size. Then we hope that around his second birthday we can begin the new and exciting adventures of potty training!

Everything I have read says boys take longer than girls and some books even suggest waiting till your little man is three years old. However, Ethan has showed us that he is aware of things that happen "down there" so we thought "what the heck". Let's try it!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Today was Christopher's 17th round of chemo and we had been waiting to hear back on his scans for about a week and this is the scoop.

The Good
The three large tumors have shrunk some more and the over all shrinkage is a little over 35%! Yea shrinkage!

The Bad
While we had shrinkage, one of the small tumors started to grow. Boo Growth!

The Ugly
The doc says he really didn't want to change the drugs Christopher was on because we did have so much shrinkage; however he wants the best for Christopher and has changed his drugs around. This however, gives him a 60% chance of losing his hair (but hey last time it was 50/50).

Christopher is in great spirits and the doctors re-assure us that this is not a set back. Just his body becoming used to the drugs he was on (which they warned us might happen). They still see things in a positive light and told us not to worry. In two months we will be able to see what this new set of drugs have done. And who knows - maybe this is the shock to his system that the cancer needs to have another big shrinkage!

Keep us in your thoughts and prayers and we will keep you updated on everything! Also I would like everyone to say an extra pray for my cousin and his wife who had their first child Fed. 4th. Kyle was born 8 weeks early and weighed 3lbs. 11oz. Both baby and mummy are doing well and Kurt is being a great support for the both of them. I know a few extra prayers wouldn't hurt for them too!