Thursday, July 16, 2009


Nine months ago I got a free upgrade (that I didn't really want and if you could really call it an upgrade) to a life I wasn't ready for. I talk about the mountains I have to climb and there will be some I hurdle over, others that take me a little longer to climb and some that no matter the grip I am never meant to make it over. This is something that I have come to terms with, or at least the best set of terms on "MY OWN TERMS" that I will allow it to be.

Life is different, to say the least. My choices are my own, for myself, for Ethan and the future that is set before us. I know that God will "test me" and while I'm not overly fond of pop quizzes, it's the way it is. Our journey in this life is filled with twists and turns, pot holes and sink holes, a gravel path and one made of asphalt; the important part in all of this is that we hold the wheel steady and keep going. Keeping one eye on the road and the other surveying our surroundings. It's a balancing act that I'm becoming quit good at.

Someone once sent me an email awhile back telling me what an inspiration I was to them. How I helped them through this blog to get through something similar, she had stage 3 liver cancer and was told the outcome was grim. I have to admit I was a little in shock that someone found me inspirational considering I feel like I founder more than soar; but then again, you all here have either Facebook'd, Twittered or sent me emails telling me the same thing. It's hard to see myself that way (my own personal flaw). When your the arms dealer to your own emotions through a blog that goes out to people across the US and even over seas, it's hard to see who you effect and on what levels.

This blog was started to get the word out about Christopher and has morphed into something that people find interesting, inspirational and book worthy. And no, I'm not going to write a book (at least not yet, not now, I have way too many things on my plate at the moment). I wanted to thank you all who have stood by side and gave me the inspiration to keep going. You all out there (friends, family and fellow blogger followers) keep me going. You are the positive outlook that helps make this journey seem easier than it is. Thank you. And for those going through something similar - I am glad that this blog is there for you to find comfort or at the least know that you are not the only one wanting to shout out at the heavens that "school is out for summer and we didn't sign up for summer school".

1 comment:

Nikki said...

D, you absolutely inspire me! I happened upon your blog today and I'm so blessed and thankful for that! I've laughed and cried while reading your entries and I wish I could give you a huge hug. I've been through similar trials and am a single parents now of a 2 1/2 year old.

Stay strong. I'm routing for you and walking next to ya in this path!