Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Half-Way There?

Have you ever had one of those "where did that come from" moments in your mind? You know the kind, the ones that pop into your head and twist and turn in your mind until you say them aloud or do whatever it is that has come floating to the surface? That's sorta what happened about a month ago and God, the Universe, Karma (what ever you believe in) has left me little hints and clues that I don't know if I can ignore. Got your attention yet? Well let me explain.

About month ago I heard a song, not sure where I heard it, but there was a verse that stuck with me. "Maybe I will never be who I was before, Maybe I don't know her anymore. Maybe who I am today, Ain't so far from yesterday." I've hummed this to myself over and over - I even wrote it in my little book that I carry around with me. This is a powerful statement and one that almost explains this feeling that I have carried around with me for a few months.

I have often times sat in my living room after Ethan went to bed and gazed upon the photos above my fireplace. There are three photos - the first a black and white family photo of when Ethan was one (Christopher was actually hooked up to his first chemo treatment this day), the second one is a another black and white family portrait taken just four months before Christopher pasted away, the third photo is a color photo of Ethan and I sitting under a awning that has been destroyed and yet we are holding on to each other, the last thing on wall that hangs with all of that - a star. It represents the journey that we have gone through and the star is the hope that I hold in my heart for Ethan and I. My artist testament to this song in a way. Looking up at those photos and remembering who I was, how I used to be; everything in my life and faith was tested. Did I pass this preverbal test? I don't know and to be honest I don't care. Because I used to feel that life was all about how we make it through the bumps and how we weathering the storms, rather than potholes and rain - so maybe I'm not that far from who I was yesterday...

Don't get me wrong; nothing much has changed me on the inside. On the inside I am still the "d" that everyone knows and loves, but I have changed. I've been pushed to limits that I never thought possible and done things on my own that I never thought I could. I have reached down inside and found all the pieces that made up me and just realized that some of these pieces were nice, but not needed - there are some things (pieces) in life that are just a little more important now.

It was one of these nights gazing upon my photos that I remembered something that happened to me shortly before I got the phone call that changed everything. I was sitting in traffic thinking and talking to God. I told God I was done - I had put faith in him and needed a sign - a sign that everything was going to be ok, that I was going to make it through this battle with cancer. I asked that he give him something, anything, I just needed something because I thought I was on the verge of breaking and completely melting down. It was then that the light turned green and I turned right. That is also when the radio skipped and switched to a new station. The song playing was Bon Jovi's "Living on a Prayer" and the line of the song that the radio fell on was the verse that says, "living on a prayer, we're half way there". I grinned. Thanked God for the sign, even went and told Ethan's God mother about the events that had happened that morning. Needless to say - I have questioned that sign since I found out Christopher was going to die. However, looking at those photos one night I remembered that morning on my way to work. I started to doing some mental math and being an artist and not an accountant - I pulled out my calendar and a pencil and started counting. (get ready for some goose bumps when I tell you this) I discovered that night that from the day Christopher went into the hospital to the day he past away (the days of his battle with cancer) are the same number of days from the day he passed away till his birthday this year. It gave me chills and explained my sign - sorta. I was half way though a process when I would be ok. I won't lie the dates in Christopher's life have been very strange - Oct 18th (the day of his funeral) his mom's birthday. April 18th (his birthday) is exactly six months from when he was buried. So to say that I have to ignore this strange number of days is the least from my mind. It's just the opposite. Was this another little hint that God, the Universe afforded me to have? I don't know. Maybe. That's the way these thing work - it's completely left for the individual to take from with what they want or need.

Shortly after this, a week or so later, my dad came for a visit. And. Well. Let's just say I had a very interesting conversation with him. One that I never thought I would have with him. So strange that I consulted with friends on their thoughts on the advice/topic at hand. And when they all agreed with my father, I turned to the paid help. My honest thought was - I pay my therapist to agree with me - right? WRONG. My therapist agreed with my father and for all the same reasons my Dad has his thoughts and views on the topic. What is this magical little topic you might ask? Well, I'm not 100% comfortable sharing it at this moment. Those of you who I consulted - know. And that's how I'm keeping it for now. Was this advice given to me by my dad, good, bad, neutral? It was advice. Advice that I see the points made and where everyone is coming from. And possibly another sign that God, the Universe, (again whatever you believe in) is trying to tell me. As my therapist would tell me - things are coming together in you mind and the world is just helping you along...

Am I going to take this suggestion, advice, fatherly-guidance - I don't know. What I do know is I'm going to take these next few days till Christopher's birthday and use it for more reflection upon where I came from with this battle with Christopher's cancer, the loving and wonderful relationship we had, my own thoughts and beliefs and how that makes me - well me. I'm almost half-way to a point in my life where I've spent more time without Christopher by my side, than I spend by Christopher's side fighting cancer. I'm reaching a new phase, sorta like the moon. This will be my time of feeling full about the life God gave me and trying to put those phases of the dark side of the moon behind me, but yet not forgotten. Just enough behind to look back when i need it, but not dwindle there. "I'm half-way there, living on my prayers."


Anonymous said...

When I stumbled at your blog, I had to read it, I just could'nt stop reading it. You are a true wealth of courage, a true insiration. May the stars, God, other world influences continue to guide you and be by your side. You are in my daily prayers. Anik Sales

Anonymous said...

The song, If you want to know, is :Every part of me, by Miley cyrus. It was shown on disney channel, so maybe you saw it there. Hope it helps.

Anonymous said...

The song is Hannah montana/ Miley cyrus : Every Part of Me.

Robin Z said...

Hugs. Just found your blog and Hugs to you and Ethan. Remember - it takes a village to raise a child and we're all children at heart. . . .

Robin Z

Chandana said...


Here's a blog that serves for your spiritual needs, and will surely be a blessing for you.

It has messages from the Holy Scriptures, taught by the Spirit of God.

These messages teach us how to have God in all the aspects of our lives and have God's rule over every matter :


Have a blessed reading and gladly write back if you need any prayer help.

God bless you and your family.