Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Happy Birthday to My Muppet

Today my sweet little boy you came into this world just a little before 10pm. I never thought I could feel the boundless sense of joy that you brought into mine and your daddy's world with just a blink of your eyes. You have done so much growing up over these past four years; to sit down and explain them all to you would take me days, for I would want to explain them in only the way I know how. Through my words of feelings that come from my heart and expounded on by my soul.

Today marks a not-so-magical day of when you life will begin to pass with more days with out your dad than days you got to spend with him. It's not fair my Muppet that I got to spend so much time with him and you didn't. It's unfavorable that people who spent more time with your dad than any of us never really got to see him as who he really was; a wonderful, gentle and caring man. I cannot make promises to you that this life God has put in front of us will get better; that the balances of fate will swing in our direction. I won't always be able to give you what your heart desires, but what I can do is make sure your heart is filled with immeasurable love from me and those that love you. And that gift is greater than any toy or material thing money can buy.

I can promise you that there won't be a second, nothing more than a blink of an eye, that will go by and you won't know that I am proud of you. Those words will flow off my lips as easily as "Ciao Bella" does for you. You only need to look in my eyes to see all the love I hold in there for you. The world is filled with endless possibilities for you and to be honest as your mom, yes I have my own set of dreams and hopes for you, but none as strong as the hope that you keep that wonderful little laugh. That little laugh that is purely intoxicating. It comes from your soul and radiates effortlessly to those around you. One can't help but feel the creation of a warm smile come over their face with that your wonderful sense of joy in what life has to offer you.

Ethan, my Muppet, my joy, you fill my life with such a glow I can't help but thank your daddy for helping in creating such a wonderful little man. You truly made some of my rougher days easier with everything there is about you. From the care and warmth in your eyes, to the wit in your belly and the sarcasm in your brow, you see the world in a technicolor dreamscape that some of us can only imagine what it's like to see the world the way you do. You have a zest for music, a wildly creative imagination and most of all such a giving heart. I could sit here and plead that you don't lose sight of any of that; but I don't have too. I know you won't. You my son are a very free spirit; something you get from both your parents, and with that I know you will always find comfort in anything you do, joy in anything your heart takes you and peace in knowing you do the things you do for you and not for the world that sits quietly around you.

I love you Muppet. Happy 4th birthday.

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