Sunday, November 18, 2007

It's Not A Box

Recently I bought a book for Ethan entitled, "Not a box" by Antoinette Portis. It's a book about an imaginative little rabbit that doesn't have a cardboard box, but a race car, robot and space ship among other things. I love this book for several reasons; the main one being that it not only teaches children, but their parents that you don't need high dollar toys to entertain your self - all you need is a little creative thinking!

Ethan has such a box, um, I mean race car. Um, chair. No, wagon. No, shopping cart. Well maybe you could call it a fort? I think every child at some point has one; Ethan's is an old Pamper's box that he became attached to so we keep it in the living room for his playful delight! Christopher even went as far to draw wheels on it and put a big number "7" on the sides. Ethan pushes it around the house picking his toys and putting them into it; just to dump all the toys out and sit in it so he can watch his Baby Enstin movies. Or there are times where Ethan gets in and Christopher pushes up and down our main hall while all the while he makes, "veer-room" sounds. All in all, fun for the entire family!

I'm sure one day when Ethan is older he might shun the idea that he played in a box (or that his Mum took pictures of him in the box with just his daiper on!) But for now that little green "not a box" is endless entertainment for not only Ethan, but Christopher and I as we watch him grow and play.

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