Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Conversations with Ethan

I have to say one of the best times I have is when Ethan and I get to converse, which for the most part is a one sided conversation. However, there are days like yesterday that make me smile when Ethan shows off his conversing skills. :}

Let me set the stage. We pull into the driveway, I turn off the car, look in the back seat and ask Ethan, "Ready to get out?" I was greeted with a smile and, "Si!" (Don't ask where the Spanish comes into play? Christopher and I both have no clue.)

We go into the house where Ethan stops right in front of the dryer, opens it up and pulls out his swim trunks. Now you might ask how he knew his trunks were in the drier - I don't have an answer but I can tell you one eye brow lifted when I saw this. I looked at him and said, "those are your shorts, what are you going to do with them?"

And grin came over his face, which if you must know is the exact same look Christopher gets when he's up to no good. Ethan then ran into the living room, took his shoes off and tried to pull his shorts off. However, he has not mastered taking his bottoms off (the diaper keeps them on!) So while I stood there looking at my son rolling on the floor trying to take his shorts off and listening to him yell "Auff, auff, auff, mama, auff."

As I knelt down, I was presented with two feet (code for, take my pants off, "peasss."). After replacing Ethan's shorts with his swim trunks, he grabbed his motorcycle and headed for the front door. All the while I'm still standing in one place, I look at him and say, "hey, Ethan, where do you think....."

Before I had a chance to finish my sentence, I heard "ou, peas". So I thought, let's see where he wants to go. As I walked to the front door, Ethan pointed vigorously at the front door, "um, go, um go! ou, peas." (I opened the door) "Pha phu" (that's Ethan's way of saying thank you).

And off he went, the little Muppet wanted to go the water park! He went right down the walkway turned the corner and headed for the park near our house. "Yeah!" and clapping is what I heard when he saw the water going on and off at the park.

Amazing how he knew that he had to put his swim trunks on to go the water park and that he knew right where the water park was! Our little man is growing up. And with that grin, big dark eyes and devilish smile - Christopher and I are headed for a world of trouble!

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