Monday, December 14, 2009

Doing Things My Way

There has been allot on my mind recently with the close of 2009 coming and of course moving into a new decade so to speak. Yesterday while making some of my world famous pralines I had the TV on in the kitchen and was watching Bravo's "Real Housewives of Orange County" (yeah - can't help it -train wreck - I think I actually lost some of my intellect while watching it)

So I know you all are asking your selves where this is going. Well I'm sure we all sit and see something or hear something and it reminds us one thing; that leads to another thought, then another and before you know it your off on another tangent? Well this is sorta how it happened for me and I will try to explain without losing you; so bare with me.

The Real Housewives of Orange County have a new housewife; I can't remember her name, but I don't think it's important. Any who - she was doing her interview where she explains her life, family life and views on raising a family - it all started ever so normal....

"My hubby, so-and-so, and I have a great relationship. We have three kids. My hubby works really hard and he knows that if he wants to keep me that this is the priority our life holds. I come first above all else, then the kids, then him, then the house...."

OK. Put the breaks on. What did she just say? Good thing I have DVR, because I had to rewind that and listen to it again. And yep. She said it. I think I might have dropped a praline on the floor when I heard it. Or a four letter exploitive - or I might have said the exploitive because I dropped the praline - not really sure.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, but anyone that watches that show also knows she has a very strange relationship with her husband. NOW, I will be the first to tell people that ALL relationships are different and different people have different ways of making it work. But me personally, would NEVER put my self over the needs of my family. Who does that? (a statement that I find myself saying allot more lately).

That woman's statement brought me to something my mind has dwelled on allot lately. I have seen and heard of people become very self-centered towards their friends and lives. Maybe it's my situation, maybe it's the way I view things, maybe it's this new "d", the one that is shocked by how people treat those around them - the one who's eyebrows got a work out from all the "insert eye brow raise here" statements. Over the course of 2009 I have heard allot of stories from friends about their relationships, their friends relationship and strangers I don't even knows relationships. And all I can say - there would be allot more pralines on the floor if I just hadn't gotten used to the stories of who said what to who, who broke up with who and who was playing who. My friends know that I've called BS on one friend's friend's perspective of her life (did you follow that one), shook my head at one person's relationship with her BF and called one friend a "ding-dong" in the nicest of ways (insert eye brow raise) because I wanted to smack him up side the head. And in the end this all makes me shake my head.

So where is all this going? Well this morning while driving into work I was listing to Weezer's "Troublemaker". In a way I sorta relate to this song and what 2009, my friends, their situations and most of all life has taught me. Just like that housewife's statement, I have seen/heard things this year that make me want to "drop another praline on the floor". As I have said before 2009 was a year of transitions for me and while part of me can't wait for this year to be over, there is also a part of me that will always remember what I went through this year. This year was painful, gut wrenching and all-in-all not really a year that I told my self I would look back on. But that's not all true.

I did allot of growing this year. For Ethan. For my self. For whatever it is that life holds in store for the both of us. This was the year where I learned my about my own strength and weakness. I have worked really hard learning that it's ok to be afraid of the silence that fills a house that was once filled with inside jokes, joyful memories and the laughs of a family. Those memories are locked in my head to share with Ethan one day and now I fill that silence with new memories for Ethan and I - baking cookies, laughing at the funny faces that my muppet makes and most importantly finding the strength to laugh at my self. I've learned that there is a peace in the empty place next me in my bed. To know that the person who was there is no longer in pain and where he resides in is full of love and joy and that warms my heart. That the love I had for Christopher will live in my heart and Ethan's smile for as long as I reside on this mortal plane.

But above all that - I have learned that as much as I see the good in people - there are people out there that are not as nice or giving. However, that will not change me. I am that "troublemaker" who does things her way; who will still call BS on her friend's friends. Who's not afraid to raise an eye brow at one friends actions or smack her friends up side the head for being a little too trusting 101-times to many. I do it all my way and I will never take from a friend, but only try and give them the peace they need to make it through this journey life gives us. I have learned that it is ok to be who I am. That my friends don't define who I am - I define who I am and I do that through the things I think, do and become a part of.

So what's the moral of this post? Well. In a round about way. It's sorta like this. It's the holidays. Look to your friends and let them know what they mean in your life. Put someone or something, other than your own needs, this time of the year even more so, above anything else. Good will towards man and all that good stuff. Look outward at what you can bring to the world instead of inward of what can get out of those around you. Do me a favor and pick the praline off the floor, brush it off and pass it forward.

(if you still don't get it - Read Dickens's "A Christmas Carol" if you need it to be a little clearer.)

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