Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Chemo: Round IV

Tuesday was round four of Christopher's chemo treatments and I have to say that even with a crazy chemo day and our AC at home going out (which is now fixed), he has the presence of mind to look at the positive in all this.

So let me start with his day at chemo. Normally Christopher shows up, gives blood, sees the doctor and then starts chemo - this whole process before the chemo starts is roughly 20 minutes tops. Yesterday it took almost two hours to get to the chemo part of the day. He said a lady out in the parking lot passed out after her treatments and they ended up bringing her in, giving her oxygen and calling 911. Christopher said someone told him that they thought she might be having a heart attack and that she was in her 60's. (The heat here is getting too all of us.)

After getting the poor woman situated they called him back to start his chemo, where he was sat next to a gentleman that snored so loud the medical staff had to wake him because he was disturbing everyone else getting chemo. Christopher said he did entertain the idea of unplugging his machine, walking over to the guy, nugging him and saying, "Hey, rollover." But he thought the nursing had it under control.

When I got home with Ethan, Ethan ran over to Christopher and gave his legs a hug. It was the greatest thing I ever saw and I could see Christopher grinning from ear to ear. And after a quick game of chase and giggle monster around the house it was dinner time. As we all sat around the dinner table (Ethan in his high chair), Christopher said this is "great" and I didn't have to ask what he meant. I knew what he was feeling because I was thinking the same thing, it was great to sit at our kitchen table and eat as a family and share in what happened over the course of one day together.

Here is the news on the Doctor's front: Christopher's red blood cell counts are up (which means the iron pill he's taking is working - wooo hoooo!) his white blood cell counts are down, but they are still in the normal range for him. Dr. Kirby says this is due to the chemo and he's not worried about it at this moment in time. Christopher was also told that his liver is not enlarge anymore. Since the end of May his liver has been rather enlarged and we were told this was due to the cancer. Now with his liver being normal size does this mean that the cancer is shrinking - we don't know and won't know that answer until the 20th when he gets his CT scan.

We are praying that soon we will have other news than blood cell counts to share with everyone and as soon as we know - we'll post it for everyone! Keep us in your prayers.

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