Tuesday, May 18, 2010


On Friday, May 21st I would have celebrated a 3 year fight with cancer for Christopher; however, as we all know, that's not the case. I still remember that day and the call from the nurse at the doctor's office asking both of us to come in. And when I tried to blow her off she got very quite and told me, "Ms Seibert. He's. Very very sick. You need to be here."

The second I heard those words I knew. I knew in the pit of my gut what they found. It didn't matter his age, or how hard he had been working out and trying to be healthy. I knew it was cancer and I knew in the back of my mind what that all meant for our little family.

May 21st will be etched in my mind for the rest of my life. Why? It was honestly the day that changed everything. And the start of the day that changed me in a way. (But that's for another post that will be up soon.) Friday marks a time in my life when I didn't think life itself could get worse and yet I found that it could.

But it is also a day that I hold in my heart for one of the most important reasons - it was the day Christopher looked me in the eye and told me that he would fight. He would fight this cancer tooth and nail - not for himself but for Ethan, me and our family. It was a day he wasn't afraid of, but used it to give him strength. So I use this day in the same light. To give me the light and strength I need; to hold my head up high and let Christopher know that I use his strength everyday. His courage hourly. And his tenacity by the minute.

I ask you all out there who read this blog, use this day to find strength and courage in something that you feel might bring you down. Yes, life is rough and sometimes a witch; but we can all change that through our own perception of what is rough. Often times the rain in our lives just might stop if all we did was change our point of view. Pax.


to dream the KIMpossible dream said...

You write so heartfelt, so beautifully, Denise. Your blogging really puts things in perspective for me. I can't even begin to wrap my arms around what you and your family have gone through...I just want you to know that I read your blogs, that I care, and that I think you are an amazing woman!

Unknown said...

Touching post..It shook something in me. I just pray you get all the strength and love to keep your life going for the better.

The Daze of Deb said...

Thank you so much for your post. I have just started to blog, but you have inspired me. You are a gifted writer and are an inspiration to me. My Mom is awaiting a diagnosis, but she is getting worse quickly. You give me comfort and hope that I can walk the path I need to. Thank you for the hope.