Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Since You Asked...

I've been asked by several people how Christopher's new job is going and how he is liking it. So I thought that I might add how he is doing to the blog. Right now he is going through a 12 week training program (it was suppose to be nine, but they just changed how the program is set up and Christopher got on the 12 week program). He works from 9am-8pm everyday except for Saturdays when he has a class room out in Irving and he works from noon till close (10:30pm).

The first week he learned the Spring Creek BBQ way of busing a table (don't ask, Christopher explained it to me and I can't even remember it).

Week two he learned how to make the coveted Spring Creek BBQ bread. And the way people act towards that bread you would think they had crack in them, but they don't - Christopher made them all week and he says they're crack free; just really good! ;}

This week Christopher is learning the buttons on the POS system. (Don't ask me about that one either - there are some things better left to the experts).

Christopher took his first test and passed with flying colors (but I knew he would)!

This Tuesday is chemo day and we are two weeks away from his CT scan that we are all waiting for. So check back for those updates too!

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