Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Little Things in Life

I've always heard the phrases, "don't sweat the small stuff" or "don't worry about the little things" and on Monday we all stood around the proverbial water cooler talking about our weekends. One guy was finishing up wedding plans since his wedding was only two weeks away, some one else moved apartments over the weekend and another person went to see this "rock'n band"; at that moment someone asked me what Christopher and I did. I answered "we relaxed all weekend."

Then for the rest of day I thought about that relaxing weekend. While it was relaxing, it was also made up of so many little things that make me smile from the inside out. While no one will care how many times Christopher and I had an Ethan sandwich (which by the way is when Christopher and I stand on either side of Ethan and give him smooches). Or the fact that Ethan released the tickle monster out of his cage (aka - daddy), and how peaceful he looked after he tuckered out on our walk, the roar of laughter we all had after a quick game of chase the baby and most all the dumb-founded look Christopher and I gave each other as we realized that "baby proof" actually meant "parent proof" when it came to installing our new baby gate. The entire weekend was made up of so many little, wonderful moments.

Life doesn't have to be about some great adventure, the greatest adventure in life is finding the things that make you happy and making your own memories.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your posting just reinforces the expression "it's the journey, not the destination, that's important."