Thursday, July 19, 2007

We Are So Blessed

This morning on the way to work I was composing in my head the blog I was going to write about Christopher's second round of chemo and how FABULOUS he did! (Did I ever say how much he amazes me!) Then I was shocked to see our sneak peek to the photos that were taken this past weekend that Deanna, our photographer, put on her blog. So you all have to check them out!

They made me cry this morning, but not tears of sorrow or sadness - but of the over powering feel of joy and love. (Deanna they are absolutely beautiful and I can't wait to see the rest!) It made me think of all the things in the world that Christopher, Ethan and I are so blessed to have.

We are so blessed to have my parents and grandmother, who are there for us when ever we need them. They care for Christopher like there is no tomorrow and always call the day he goes in for chemo and the day he gets done to see how he is feeling - and of course to see if Ethan is walking all the time now. :}

We are blessed to have the friends we have and the love and support they give us. They are a constant reminder that your friends are angles brought to you by God.

We are blessed to have such wonderful Godparents for Ethan. Amber and Marcus love Ethan as if he was their own son and we no longer call them friends, but family.

We are blessed by God to have each other and wonderful little man who brings joy and laughter in our lives. We are blessed that God gives us the strength to handle this cancer and helps show us in everything (including Deanna's photos) that there is love and beauty everywhere and in everything.

Check out Ethan's sneak peek photos - click here!

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