Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Chemo: Round VI

Yesterday, Christopher went in for his sixth round of chemo and all I can say is how he amazes me. He never complains that he has to go or grumbles about how long he has to sit there - he just goes, takes his treatments and calls me to let me know how everything went.

Dr. Kirby told him that everything is looking great so far, his numbers are normal for his situation and there are no worries. The doctor also told him that they want to see how much shrinkage he has in the next two months. There is always a chance that the cancer gets tired of shrinking and figures out a way to fight the chemo back.

While we won a little hurtle with this first round of shrinkage, the docs won't be throwing a party till they see shrinkage again. And as long as Christopher's body is handling the chemo so well, they are going to keep him on it as long as they can. He might get a break around Christmas, but we should see sometime around Thanksgiving if there is more shrinkage!

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