Saturday, September 15, 2007

Ethan the Engineer

So the cat is out of the bag, Christopher starts his new job on Monday...well sorta on Monday. He starts his new job, but Monday and Tuesday are his two days off, so he really doesn't go in for his first day until Wednesday. So this week Christopher had a mini vacation in which he did some things around the house and spent some time with Ethan.

On Friday, Christopher called me and let me know that the house was hit by a tornado named Ethan, I laughed and thought "oh what am I in for when I get home". Then Christopher asked how much longer till I got home, my first thought was - he needs a break, Ethan was a handful today. Until I was informed that our little munchkin played engineer and created a mini version the Empire State Building by stacking several blocks, one on top of each other, and I had to hurry home to see it before King Kong Ethan climbed the tower and brought it down to a crashing masterpiece of destruction.

I laughed and told Christopher I was just a few minutes away and that I couldn't wait to see this great feat! Low and behold, this was a marvel of great ingenuity. Ethan stacked eleven blocks one on top of each other - I snapped a photo right before he brought the wrecking ball through and destroyed his little Empire State Building. :}

On another note, I've been tagged - which means I'm suppose to write eight things about me that I don't think other people know. Hmmm....I'm going to have to think about this one (I don't think I can even think of eight things to say, but check back in - I'll be working on it.

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