Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Live Strong for Ms. Brenda

When Christopher was in the hospital my mom let me talk to one of her clients who was battling with cancer. Her words of advice were, "don't let this get to you". Such a powerful statement. She sent some words of encouragement to Christopher in a card and he proudly displayed it on our mantle during the time of his recovery.

Today I got an email from my mother about Ms. Brenda's health:

"Just an fyi . . . just talked with Neil, her husband, and learned that Brenda is home, in a hospital bed in the living room.

She weighs 96 lbs and can't keep anything down. Currently, they are feeding her iv fluids.

The last time I saw her; she had indicated her numbers weren't good and the doctor found some spots on her stomach and intestines. She was so thin at that time and the lack of 'meat on her bones' was an impediment to treatment."

Ms. Brenda and her family needs our thoughts and prayers right now. If you would like to send her a card or just some words of encouragement, just let me know and I will send you her address.

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