Friday, June 5, 2009

What this Month Holds

This month will be last "tough" month I'll go through before I hit the next big months; September and October. It's hard to think that 8 months have already pasted and there are times when I feel as though Christopher has been gone longer than a year and some times less than a week.

So much has happened in these eight months. Ethan is talking up a storm! Something I wish Christopher could hear (and I know he does - just not in the way I would like him too). He's new thing is "I did it my self". Every thing is an achievement with a small outburst of excitement, "I did it my self!" And it warms my heart to hear him so happy about something so simple as making his own PB&J sandwich!

In one week Ethan will start a new chapter in his life, one that as a mom I am so excited for him and scared to death all in the same breath. He starts pre-school. Which means, NO paci (Lord help me and any one else in ear shot of his whaling), NO Bob, Larry, Doggie, Cars and Blanket - only ONE blanket and ONE sleepy time friend. So this new change will be hard for him and I'm sure some sleepless nights for the both of us. But he will also get help with his potty training when I can't be there to help him and he will have an art teacher (love), music teacher (really love), computer class (really, really love) and Spanish teacher (really, really, really love - um, love as long as he doesn't start talking about me behind my back); all the things I want for him to learn and grow at.

Ethan also turns 3 this month. Where did the time go? There are days that I feel like I missed out on some aspects of his life because I was all to consumed with trying to help Christopher fight cancer. But I know that's not true. Time stands still for no one and one day my little muppet will be grown. It's destined to happen and there is nothing I can do to stop it, except take these moments to stop and savor them.

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