Monday, August 17, 2009

The 3's

Today was Ethan's first day of school in the 3 year old group. I guess what's funny about this whole day was I was up most of the night trying to write the best "Love Note" to Ethan and in the end it was short sweet and to the point. I know what you are thinking - love note? Let me explain.

Being in the 3's (as the school likes to call it) there is a whole new world of things that they do that the 2's don't. One of them is "Love Notes". Every Monday and Tuesday you are suppose to write a note to your child filled with words of endearment so that they know you are thinking of them. You are also suppose to have a "backup" love note so if they have a bad day at school the teacher can pull out a note and help your child understand that your coming back for them and you hope they have a good day.

I think I wrote like 20 notes last night. All different and yet all the same. I had my own mind melt down as to how I put Christopher in the notes - see these notes are read aloud and I wasn't sure how this subject would be handled in a room full of children. That was all I need is to have some kid get upset that Ethan's daddy died and would his daddy die....

But then at the same time - this is Ethan's life. Nothing is going to change that Christopher is gone and I'm not going to pretend it didn't happen either. Ethan is becoming a little boy, he understands what it means when I say, "let's go visit daddy" and tells me all the time that "Daddy has flowers" and before we leave he gives Christopher's marker a kiss (there is a nice collection of lipstick and Ethan slobber on it now). So I was left with what to say?

This morning I re-wrote the love note again and this is what it said:

Dear Ethan (my muppet),

I want to start with saying your daddy and I love you more than you will ever know. We are both proud of you for everything you do in school and at home. You are very special to us in more ways than I can count. I hope day is a very special day for you Muppet. I think of you often while I am at work and know that as soon as my work is done I will be there for you with open arms to pick you up and bring you home. I can't wait to take you to the park after school so you can tell me all about your day and I too can tell you about mine.

I love you Ethan - my Muppet.

I hope my little man had a good first day today....

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