Monday, June 30, 2008


This weekend was Ethan's big birthday weekend - party on Saturday and actual birthday on Sunday! And it was so awesome to wake up Saturday morning and see the sneak peeks of our photos that Deanna took!

All I can say is "THEY ROCK!" and I so have to get the one of Ethan sitting on the rock!

Deanna they are awesome and I can't wait to see the rest!

Click here to see the photos!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Almost there

In about 8-10 weeks I will be severing a my hair that is. When we were told Christopher had cancer, I sat down long and hard about how I could help others with cancer. I wanted to do something that most people couldn't do.

I'm not one of those people who has had the same hair cut for as long as they can remember - I think in the 7 years Christopher and I have been married, I have gone from long to short about 4 times. I'm lucky in the sense that my hair grows really quickly and allows me to grow my hair out from shoulder length to belt buckle length in about a year (and that includes trims every 8 weeks). SO I made up my mind and stared growing my hair for Locks of Love. I told my self that every 2 years I would make a donation. It takes 10" of hair for them to make a wig out of and I'm there right now, but I wanted to make sure I had enough for my new hair cut that I will be sporting here in a few months!

And after I enjoy that hair cut for a few months; I'll be back at it for my next donation in 2010! I'm so excited that I can do this for those children out there who lose their hair to treatments.

Friday, June 20, 2008

A Passie, Blanket, Pretzels or iPhone...

In my line of work I direct art; wither it be on paper or film. I drive my team crazy with odd requests like, "the crop on that looks odd, please tweak it. The color on that is too warm, dull it down." So when it comes to out side artists I know what it's like to hear - "I want this and I want that", so I don't try to be that way.

Well it seems as though Ethan might be walking in his mummy's foot steps when it comes to art directing. This morning he wanted to wear the shirt he picked out (not the one I spent time on ironing), then when go to take the photos, he wanted to do it his way. It was all about the passie, blanket, pretzels or iPhone. And even a few times he left "the set" to scout out new venues.

He was, as you say, cranky today! But what can you say when you're dealing with a rock+star! (inside joke from this morning). So in the end, one or all of his photos will end up with either a: passie, blanket, cup of pretzels or my iPhone in the shot. But what can say - when I look at those photos I will always remember my little star on that day!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My Heart Goes Out...

Before we were told that Christopher had cancer and I would hear that someone had just been told that they had cancer; my first thoughts were always "oh, dear, I hope everything works out and I was blessed this was not something we had to go through".

Now when I hear that someone has been told they have cancer, my first thoughts are to cry for that family and person. I know the pain, the anger and the fear they go through. I also know the long road ahead of them. The worst, however, is to hear the loss of a loved one to cancer. It breaks my heart and makes me look at my family and life in a whole new light.

On Sunday, when we were all celebrating Father's Day, one dear family lost their Dad to cancer. I can't say I have met this family, I wish I could one day and tell them what an inspiration they are to me. Cindy (the wife) and I have emailed back and forth a few times and I have been trying to keep up Bill's treatments when I could. When I read the news I was shocked and so upset, I went home and hugged Christopher and told him I loved him more than he will ever know.

This family is now trying to adjust to life without Dad and I'm asking for all those who read living strong; please read about the Freeman's and if you can - please help this dear family.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Mental Warfare

Tomorrow Christopher will go in for his chemo and discuss with his doctor everything we did this past week in Tulsa. One of the major things they stressed while we were there was declaring "mental warfare" on cancer. Since Christopher reads the blog during his treatments I want to rally my troops!

I'm asking everyone to leave Christopher a message to read during his treatments that will help him visualize the mental warfare on his cancer. It can be positive and up lifting or it can as brutal as "Kick it's a$$ Christopher!"

So for all of those of you who read this blog - pass it along to your friends and lets get an ARMY of posts! Together we all LIVE STRONG!

For my love, every time I hear this song I think of you:

3 Doors Down - It's not my time

Everything I know,
There might be more than you believe
(There might be more than you believe)
There might be more than you can see
And I won't go
No I won't go down (yeahh)

Friday, June 13, 2008

CTCA - Day 5: Heading Home

Again another early morning and another night on the sleep number bed (again I can't explain how much I dislike that bed). Any who. We saw the Mind & Body doctor this morning and it was very interesting and the guy was really nice. In a nut shell, he said that he has seen where cancer has broken up families in the past; but as long as we keep the lines of communication open between the two of us like we do now - then "we can climb mountains". He also gave us a book he would like us to read about a guy who at the age of 13 was told he would only have 3 months to live and then at the age of 15 that he had just a few weeks to live and through the power of the mind he has defied all odds and climbed 7 of the highest mountains in the world. So in a nut shell - "Talk to your cancer and tell it that it has no right to be there. Declaire mental warfare."

At 10:30am we met with the oncology doctor who told us basicly the same thing the radiation doctor told us the day before. Radation is off the table at the moment; but it doesn't mean it can't be done. We need to shrink his cancer about 50% the size it is now so we can do radation. She also explained how she saw the chemo working and made some suggestions of what she would change. (We also found out that as of Tuesday that Christopher's CEA markers went down 170pts. - remember down equals good)

With this wealth of information that we have Christopher is going to discuss with his doctor in Dallas if there needs to be a change in his treatments. We left there feeling really good; we found out allot of great information, met allot of new people with interesting ideas on cancer and also knowing that Christopher's doctors here in Dallas are for the most part doing what they can do.

We were so blessed to be able to catch an earlier flight into Dallas. When we checked in there were three other people ahead of us; but God answered our prayers and we were the last set of stand-by put on the plane. Christopher and I were so excited to see Ethan - we missed him so.

After we got home and relaxed for a few we went and had dinner with Mum and Gran (it was nice to eat with the family). I have to say I'm really looking forward to sleeping in MY bed and away from that Sleep Number thing!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

CTCA - Day 4

This morning was really early for us, a little too early if you ask me. We got up around 4:45am and at 6am we had a driver take us to the center. However, with this test I was not allowed to stay with Christopher. With a PET scan they inject radioactive juice into your body and then take an x-ray of your body to see where the cancer is and has been. From everything that I understand and have read this is really the only test where you can see where cancer has been and if it has shrunk into nothingness.

The CT scans that Christopher does every two months they have to compair the last months scan to the more recent scan and measure the masses to see if there is shrinkage. SO, the PET scan does a little more for the doctors visualy (from what I understand).

Christopher handled this scan really well even though it was again a tight space for a long period of time (way to go Christopher)! To boot he gets to wear a neon green band around his wrist that says he's radioactive - and no he's not glowing green...yet.

At 11am we has a physical therapy session. I was really unsure how this would work, but it was really neat. The PT pulled out some ball-point pen looking tools that had little plastic tips on the end of them. Then the doctor tapped the bottoms and tops of Christopher's feet to see if he could feel it and to what degree. He suggested that we try a PT treatment 3 times a week. This treatment would consits of putting a battery type of device that sends electric shock to the bottoms of the feet, so the numbness from chemo doesn't cause perment damage. The good news is we can buy this machince and do the treatments at home. My first thought was to pour a little water on the bathroom floor and ask Christopher to put his finger in the light socket - but thought that he might ruin the tile that way, so we will look into this little machine.

At 3pm we had a meeting with the radiology doctor. She gave us some news we didn't know and some other news that was upseting. The cancer is pretty much contained in the right lobe of the liver, with a few spots in the left lobe. However, with most of the cancer in the right lobe the amount of radiation needed to do any good would do more damage to the liver than help it. This is the same for the glass bead treatments. While we were there she showed us Christopher's CT and PET scan, it's so interesting to see this "cancer" in his body. What is even more interesting is you can see where it has shrunk as well. Shrinkage is shown as a light grey area, cancer looks dark grey and normal tissue is medium grey.

So the upseting news? Well they did a MRI of Christopher's brain and told us it was "remarkable". There is no cancer in his head and it is healthy as a horse! I told the doctor there must be something wrong with the MRI, because the part of the brain that "listens to the wife" is broken or something. :} She laughed and said - no everything seemed to working the way it should.

Tomorrow we will meet with Doctor to go over the findings and suggest what her treatment would be, which at this point (we think) will be another type of chemo drug. On Tuesday Christopher will talk to his doctor at home and shee what his thoughts are on her treatment suggestions. Either way, we are the ones in control of his treatments and even if we don't go to CTCA for treatments, this has been a very interesting expirence and I'm very glad we did it.

We can't wait to head home and see our little man, we miss him so.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

CTCA - Day 3

Today was an early day for us. Christopher's MRI was set for 7:30am and he did really well considering he doesn't like tight confind spaces. (Way to go Christopher, I'm so proud of you!)

From there we have seen all sorts of doctors. The first was a nutritionist who said we were doing all the right things and eating all the right foods. She said Christopher was at good weight and wants us to try and keep him around the 170-180lb marker (for his height and build he really shouldn't go over 180lbs). So that was nice to hear. And I found out that the person who wrote the book I based our diets off of was actually a Doctor who worked for CTCA several years ago; which again was nice to hear.

Next we had an appointment with a "pain manager" who is trying to get Christopher's feet under control. The guy reminded me of Patch Adams. Lets put it this way; the doc walks in and says, "what brings you in today?" Christopher explains the issues with the numbness and tingling in his feet. The doctor looks at him and says, "And why do you think that is?" I looked at the doc with one eye brow raised and said, "from chemo."

"What Chemo, why are you taking chemo?", says the doc. By this time I was about to jump up and smack the doctor up side the head; until I figured it out. He was trying to prove the point that cancer should not be the main focus of your life. Christopher LOVED him, I thought he was a little batty for my taste - but he doesn't treatment me, he treats Christopher. He's changing some of Christopher's meds around to see if that helps with the numbness.

We left there and had a really nice lunch in the cafeteria and then a quite stroll around the grounds. At 2pm we met with a Naturpahic doctor - this was someone I was very intreged to meet. He was really impressed with all the research that I had done and said that he would really only suggest one other herb treatment that we might try. He suggested adding Curcumin to Christopher's supluments. He told us that they are actually trying to harness this into a chemo drug. In lab conditions, Curcumin has been known to kill cancer cells on contact (again these are lab results and cancer in your body works a little differently, but this is still a good sign on the fighting front of cancer research).

We are done for the day and tomorrow will be another long day that starts at 6:30am; PET scan, mind and body consult and a PT treatment to help with Christopher's numbness in his feet. Look for tomorrow's update and please keep us in your prayers as we start to wrap up our trip.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

CTCA - Day 2

Today we met with the Doctor and I have to say I really like her. She's very upfront and tells you what she thinks. She told us that she reviewed Christopher's old scans and that the good news was everything seems to be contained to liver (which we knew) and there is no cancer to be found in the lyphnods (which is really good news), however she doesn't really see shrinkage per say in the last few months; more stablization than anything.

She has scheduled three test (blood work, MRI and PET scan) and from whatever information they get from that there can be up to three options for us. They are as follows:

Radiation Teatment
This is not your typical radiation, they put a tube through the groan and inject small beads of radation to the liver. This is only an option if none of the cancer is pressing itself against a blood vessil in the liver. This treatment would be done every 4 weeks - however chemo would need to be stopped 4 week prior to treatment and 4 weeks after treatments.

Glass Treatment
This is a fairly new treatment and has only been done in a few cases. They inject small glass beads into the liver in the hopes that it will move into the cancer cells and clog their blood flow - in turn killing it.

Depending on the scan she might suggest a change in the chemo drugs.

Either way, she wants to see even more shrinkage and no stablization in the cancer. She was a little dumbfounded in Christopher's paper work. She said, "I don't understand, your liver functions were getting worse - then a month ago they got better and better over the last month." So we shared with her the herbal treatments that we have been doing. She had never heard of the herb we were using, but it seems to be doing something.

Tomorrow will be a fun filled day. We did the blood test today, the MRI is tomorrow and the PET scan is Thursday. Tomorrow we will also meet with some other people - one is a person who is going to try and help Christopher with the numbness in his feet.

We are done for the day and plan on relaxing since tomorrow will be a long day. Look for an update tomorrow!

Cancer Treatment Centers of America - Day 1

As some of you might know, Christopher and I have traveled up to the Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Tulsa to see what other treatments might be out there. (Thank you Mom for taking care of Ethan for us!)

I thought you all might like to hear what fun and exciting things we are doing.

Day One:

This was a travel day and honestly I hope this is not a preview of what we have in store for us. We boarded the plane and then sat there for an hour and a half while they fixed the mechanical issue the plane was having. Once we took off the couple next to us had a 6-month-old who thought he would vocalize to the plane how he didn't like the flight. An hour and some Motrin later we landed.

The treatment center has put us up in a nice hotel that has a Sleep Number bed - however, we will not be buying one of those in the near future. I think with missing Ethan, a strange city and not being our bed, we didn't really sleep very well.

The best way to discribe Cancer Treatments Centers of America (CTCA) is like a Disney World for Cancer patients. When you arrive in the morning there is a woman there to greet you and give you a big hug - which for those of us that personal space issues it's a little unnerving.

If you want to go any where they have several towncars that will take you to the local mall, Target or Walmart. (We are quickly learning those schedules).

There is a cafiteria here that has 90% organic foods, which makes me wonder if there is a link to processed food and cancer? Or at least to the free radicals that they claim to start cancer.

Other than that there is not much to report. I'll try to post what we are did today, since today is day we get to meet with the doctors.

Keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

What's Your Theme Song?

This might sound nuts, but really think that everyone has a theme song. You listen to a song that reminds you of your college days, the day you got married or your first kiss - those are your theme songs for the things in life you want to remember.

Recently, one song has come up several times on my iPod and today I declared this my family's theme song for the year 2008.

What would be your theme song?

Enjoy the lyrics or click play at the bottom to listen to it - enjoy everyone!

No One by Alicia Keys
I just want you close,
where you can stay forever,
you can be sure that it will only get better.

You and me together,
through the days and nights
I don't worry cause every things gonna be alright.
People keep talking
they can say what they like
but all i know is everything going to be alright.

No one,no one,no one,c
an get in the way i'm feeling and,
no one,no one can get in the way of what i feel for you,
you,you get in the way i'm gonna feel for you

When the rain is pouring down and my heart is hurtin'
you will always be around this i know for certain

I know some people search the world
to find something like what we have
i know people will try try to define something
so real so til the end of time i'm telling there's no one
no one no one no one can get in the way i'm gonna feel
and no one no one no one can get in the way i'm gonna feel for you.

No One - Alicia Keys

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Chemo: Round (who knows)

Today was another chemo day and I have to say these days are so routine for us, I don't really remember life with out them. We finally got the results from the CT scan and there wasn't really any major news. The cancer seems to be staying put so to speak - no real shrinkage and no real growth. So Dr. Kirby will keep Christopher on the same chemo routine (there was talk at his last treatment of a possible change in drugs).

In two weeks they will take Christopher's CEA numbers again (I'm very interested in seeing what those are). And we did have two rather good news fronts. The first being that Christopher gained 5lbs since his last doctor's visit (now weighing in at 180lbs)! Now if I could just figure out a way to take a little bit of my weight and transfer it over to him - I would be set! :}

The other good news is Christopher's red blood cell count was up! Over the last month his red blood cell count was down and they were giving him shots to help boost it. Today his blood cell counts were up and no shot was needed!

And while I wrote this, I was listen to a song that had a section in it that I thought was fitting...

Now the story's played out like this
Just like a paperback novel
Lets rewrite an ending that fits
Instead of a hollywood horror

Nothin's wrong
just as long as
you know that someday I will

Someday, somehow
gonna make it allright but not right now
I know you're wondering when...