Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A 36 Hour Day?

So in reading through the stimulus package that that is in the Senate right now, I was thinking we could add on one more thing to all the other "shitakie" that's in there. A 36 hour day. Come on all you moms out there, know you want this. Heck how do we even get through our day with only 24 hours in it. Sleep, who said we need that, it's so overrated!

Here's my work week - you tell me how to make more time in there and I'll think about!

6am - 7am : get ready for work (there is no time to squeeze out of there - I have this down to a science and no going to work with out make-up is not an option, sorry)

7am : Wake up Ethan. He's like a teenager. "Ethan it's time to wake up, (little eyes look at me, he sits up and while I'm getting his clothes out - CRASH, back to sleep) Repeat this step 3 more times.

7:10am-7:40am : Diaper change, potty training, change clothes, make breakfast, pack up stuffed buddies (Bob, Larry and sometimes Nemo).

7:40 - 7:45am : Watch Ethan climb into the car and buckle him self in. (He's a very independent little man)

7:45 - 8am : Drive to Sitter

8:00 - 8:05 : Hugs, kisses, bumps - love my little guy!

8:05 - 8:30 : Drive into work and roll eyes at tollway drivers - just don't under stand the traffic in the morning.

8:30 - 5:30pm : Work my rear off (sorry can't cut any time out of here, the need of a paycheck and all)

5:30 - 6pm : Drive to pick up Ethan; more eye rolls at tollway drivers.

6 - 6:10pm : Getting the scoop from the sitter if Ethan was good and how long he took a nap - all the important stuff.

6:10 - 6:30ish : Drive home.

6:30 - 6:35: Watch Ethan un-buckle himself

6:35 - 6:45 : Let the dog out, check the mail, get Ethan a snack while I make dinner.

6:45 - 7pm : Warm up Ethan's dinner from what ever I prepped the night before

7 - 7:30pm : Dinner and conversation with my little man

7:30 - 7:45pm : Bath time for Ethan

7:45 - 8pm : Coloring time and/or reading time with Ethan (favorite book right now, the bellybutton book)

8pm : Bed time

8:05pm : Run upstairs to get Ethan something he's dropped

8:05 - 8:45: Clean the house, prep coffee pot, straighten things up, do a load of laundry if needed

8:45 - 9:30pm : Prep Ethan's Dinner for the next night, get anything together that he might need

9:30 - 10:30 (some times later) : Work on work related stuff

10:30 - 11pm: Run (working up to 5 miles by the time Ethan turns 3)

11 - 11:45: yoga

11:45 - 12:30am : shower

12:30 - 1am: flipping channels looking for something to watch

1am - 1:10am : reading from the Bible

2am : finally fall a sleep (repeat process at 6am)

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