Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Where Does The Time Go?

It's been four months since Christopher passed away; five months since I knew it was going to happen. Where does this time go? Am I so consumed in single parenthood that time is flying by me with out any notice of the outside world? And yet if you look at my calendar it's never really left blank - play dates, meetings with clients, dinner with friends and list goes on.

Will I blink and Ethan will be going to college? Good grief I hope not! All though it is hard to think that in 4 months he'll be three; again, where does the time go? Maybe the same place the one sock goes when it's in the drier?

There are allot of milestones that I will hit this year, I've done five so far. I spent our dating anniversary, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and Valentines Day without him. The next will be his birthday. I always made him German Chocolate Cup Cakes (his mom used to make him a cake every year and when she passed away I took over the tradition). I think this year Ethan and I will have out own little birthday party and go visit Christopher and bring him a cup cake. I think he would like that. :}

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